Upcoming Group Presentation Making You Anxious?

It’s normal to have butterflies in your stomach about a presentation – even the most seasoned performers admit that they experience stage fright every now and then. There’s something about standing in front of an audience that makes you feel as if every word you say or every point you make is under close scrutiny.

And to a certain level, what you suspect is true, especially if it’s a business team presentation. Your bosses, clients, investors, associates and other people in your audience are indeed paying close attention to everything you’re offering. In a business presentation, they’re listening to you not just for the sake of learning something or to be entertained. The presentation you’re making is designed to influence decision makers. And whatever decision they make most likely involves money – theirs and your business’s.

What makes a group presentation even more difficult is that it requires the cooperation and competency of everyone involved. If one of your members makes a mistake, it affects the entire team. Here are some ways to make sure your team presentation will yield target results:

Winning Group PresentationUnify your efforts. This is not the time to make your individual star shine. Get your brilliance from the combined strengths of your team members. Be clear about your respective roles and always keep the big picture in mind while developing your approach.

Invest in the right materials. Audiences today are highly visual. Make sure you deliver your message effectively through the right platforms and media that catch and retain their attention. Present key points, summaries, graphs and illustrations and other supporting visuals with the use of large projection screens so no details get left out.

Craft your story. Build your presentation as if you were writing a story. Be very concise and discriminating when choosing what to put on your slides. Make sure your deck is consistent and attractive – use the relevant templates, fonts and design that will make your content stand out and your delivery memorable. Don’t put up with cranky or outdated equipment because equipment glitches can negatively affect the entire presentation. Invest in motorized and remote-controlled projection screens so you can make smooth transitions per slide.

large projection screensPrepare and practice. Your presentation should look and feel natural and not rigidly memorized. And the only way to do this is to rehearse diligently, so you become comfortable with your material. Always put yourself in your audience’s shoes so that your information and delivery will always speak to their best interests.

Create a memorable close. Summarize your points. Leave your audience with something to think about — a pressing question, an intriguing solution, an irresistible offer. Always add a clear call to action. Lastly, don’t forget to thank them sincerely for their time.